Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Roach.

Ladies, (and Gentlemen of a squirelly nature about bugs), I have made a startling discovery!! Dish washing liquid (of the extremely cheap variety) kills cockroaches stone dead.

We have had one foul roach, terrorizing us for almost two weeks now, and every time we go to the sink, and push the button for the Rinnai, it leaps out, like the neighbors angry dog, defending it's territory. This means Duck and Boy run squealing from the room, too afraid to wash their hands, or put the dishes in the sink, because this thing lurks in the hot water heater, and when you hit the button to turn on the tap, it rushes you.
You can almost hear the barking and gnashing of teeth (do they have teeth?).

Now, as you may or may not know, my house has become a lost beetle sanctuary (three homeless Rhinoceros beetles at last count, more on this later), and I don't really agree with using pesticides. I get eaten alive by mosquitoes and just about anything that bites or stings, and I have a husband who is immune to insect bites (Duck believes that The Daddy tastes yukky.  I can't really argue, my Mr. dosen't take a bath everyday, the dirty bastard)

Usually we use sticky roach motels, and for the mozzies, I burn mosquito coils, making everything smell like a bonfire.  Lately,  I am afraid the rhinoceros beetles will be made sick by mozzie coils, and that bloody giant roach lurking near the sink is not fooled by roach motels, even with the happy pictures of smiling bugs on the side, and a piece of ham placed squarely in the middle.  Other bugs have been lured to their doom, never reaching the fabled ham.  This giant cocky is not easily tricked, and has NO FEAR I SWEAR.

This morning, I approached the scuzzy washing up (I hate the washing up, almost as much as cleaning the dunny, we have three boys in the house, and it's foul) and the bastard leaped  out at me, buzzing it's wings and waving it's antennae threateningly.  I did my nana and hit it with 88yen environmentally friendly, palm oil free dish washing liquid.  It is no more.  It's body has been viewed by all it terrorized.  The Daddy ceremoniously flushed it down the dunny, and it left a nice sudsy lime scent after it :)

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